INK offers three levels of makeup training, each expertly curated by our proficient brand trainers, catering to varying needs. Our retail training approach ensures a broad spectrum of skills acquisition, from beginners to professionals.
The first level, under the careful guidance of our brand trainers, is designed for those unfamiliar with makeup tools or products. We elucidate the purpose of each makeup tool and product, and demonstrate their effective application. Our trainers will equip you with skills for straightforward self-application, fortifying your retail training journey.
Our second level delves into the world of professional makeup artists. Here, our brand trainers enable you to discern various face shapes, skin undertones, and common concerns such as dark circles and tattoo concealing. This course lays a strong emphasis on understanding colour theory. Advanced applications and staying abreast with the latest makeup trends are integral elements of this retail training level.
The third and final level catapults you into the dynamic environment of backstage and photoshoots, honing professional makeup skills. Post completion, you’ll have a profound understanding of the impact of light on makeup and how your creative looks translate on camera. Our brand trainers ensure you fully appreciate the essence of teamwork and thriving under pressure through our fashion show backstage role plays.

Whether you’re a brand, a team, or an individual, our tailored hands-on brand training experiences are your gateway to success.
Guided by industry brand training experts, our retail training courses equip you with the insights and knowledge you need to excel. Make the leap and reach out to INK Training Hub to unlock your full potential today.

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Get in touch with the INK Training team to discuss your desired beauty, skincare, and fragrance training solution now
INK Training Hub is your go-to training company, providing a variety of inspirational and informative beauty, skincare, and fragrance products. Innovation, Niche, and Knowledge are our three pillars of excellence at INK Training.
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